Featuring  the  most  recent  philanthropic  data  from  all  major  sources  in  the  industry,  this  exclusive  report  offers  comprehensive  information on individual, foundation, corporate, and  generational  giving  in  America,  as  well  as  a  look  at  multi-year trends. Download your copy today! 

PL 2019-Cover-and-Spread.png

presented by:

John McCarthy
International College
Beirut, Lebanon
Tony Jaccaci
Head of School,
Cincinnati Country Day School
Cincinnati, USA
Formerly Executive Principal Secondary School, YK Pao School
Shanghai, China
Jennifer Belliveau
Assistant Vice President,
CCS Fundraising
London, UK
John McCarthy
International College
Beirut, Lebanon
Tony Jaccaci
Head of School,
Cincinnati Country Day School
Cincinnati, USA
Formerly Executive Principal Secondary School, YK Pao School
Shanghai, China
For any questions about this publication or about CCS Fundraising in general, please contact [email protected].