To explore data from 1,000+ respondents across nonprofit sectors, check out our main fourth-edition report.
This special report spotlights the 143 Higher Education responses from CCS’s fourth-edition Philanthropic Climate Survey. Our survey results provide a snapshot of how responding organizations are persevering amid challenges, evolving their fundraising tactics, and planning for 2021 and beyond.
Findings from this report include:
- 44% of respondents think their fundraising from major gifts will increase in 2021 (see page 10)
- 74% of respondents have conducted a virtual major gift solicitation since the COVID-19 pandemic began (see page 17)
- 48% of respondents said they intend to offer hybrid virtual/in-person event options after the COVID-19 pandemic has ended (see page 19)
If you have any questions about this survey or about CCS in general, please contact [email protected].