To explore data from 1,000+ respondents across nonprofit sectors, check out our main fourth-edition report.
This special report spotlights the 227 Primary/Secondary Education responses from CCS’s fourth-edition Philanthropic Climate Survey. Our survey results provide a snapshot of how responding organizations are persevering amid challenges, evolving their fundraising tactics, and planning for 2021 and beyond.
Findings from this report include:
  • 45% of respondents think their fundraising from major gifts and annual appeals will increase in 2021 (see page 9)
  • 77% of respondents who conducted virtual major gift solicitations amid the pandemic said they were either as successful or more successful than typical in-person solicitations (see page 17)
  • 50% of respondents reported that their organization took steps to become a more diverse, equitable, and/or inclusive workplace in response to society’s renewed focus on racial equity and social justice (see page 6)

presented by:

Speaker Title

Head of School,
Cincinnati Country Day School
Cincinnati, USA

Speaker Title

Head of School,
Cincinnati Country Day School
Cincinnati, USA

Speaker Title

Head of School,
Cincinnati Country Day School
Cincinnati, USA

Speaker Title

Head of School,
Cincinnati Country Day School
Cincinnati, USA

Speaker Title

Head of School,
Cincinnati Country Day School
Cincinnati, USA

Speaker Title

Head of School,
Cincinnati Country Day School
Cincinnati, USA

If you have any questions about this survey or about CCS in general, please contact [email protected].