Trends and Tensions in Environmental Philanthropy Webinar
Wednesday March 31, 2021 | 10:00 - 11:00 AM PT

Environmental philanthropy looks very different today than it did just ten years ago. The presence of grassroots movements is expanding. New sources of funding and donors are emerging and mega-gifts to environmental philanthropy are on the rise. More organizations than ever before are committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion practices.

Join us to hear Mike Brune of the Sierra Club, Gladys Limon of the California Environmental Justice Alliance, and Sudha Nandagopal of Social Venture Partners International share their perspectives on trends and tensions in environmental philanthropy. The session will be facilitated by Katlyn Torgerson and Marcos Santiago of CCS Fundraising. We'll explore how racial equity issues are being addressed by environmental organizations large and small, how philanthropic support for grassroots organizations is increasing and what that means for larger organizations, and how new sources of funding are influencing environmental philanthropy.

presented by:

Mike Brune - 2021 - circle blank.png

Michael Brune

Executive Director
Sierra Club
Gladys Limon - 2021 - circle blank.png

Gladys Limon

Executive Director
California Environmental Justice Alliance (CEJA)
Sudha Nandagopal - 2021 - circle.png

Sudha Nandagopal

Chief Executive Officer
Social Venture Partners International (SVPI)
Katlyn Torgerson - circle.png

Katlyn Torgerson 

Senior Vice President
CCS Fundraising
- Presenter -
Marcos Santiago - 2021 - circle blank.png

Marcos Santiago

Vice President
CCS Fundraising
- Moderator -

Speaker Title

Head of School,
Cincinnati Country Day School
Cincinnati, USA

If you have questions about this webinar or about CCS in general, please contact:
Maureen Keefe by email at [email protected] or 415-246-3099